Board Member Expectations
Embrace and advance the mission of the organization: Empower adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Promote the organization’s goals, policies, programs, services, strengths, and offerings positively.
Advocate for the organization in the community.
Attend organization events to ensure a strong showing of Board members.
Stay informed of general trends related to the organization’s mission and share any news/trends with the organization.
Monitor the progress of the organization’s mission goals through updates/reports from the Executive Director.
Focus attention and efforts on the strategic vision and plan of the organization.
Support the organization’s strategic plan and planning process.
Serve on a standing committee, ad hoc committee, task force, or special project.
Attend all Board meetings and committee meetings as a high priority. Alert the Board Chair and CEO/President of any Board meeting absences in advance.
Come prepared to discuss the issues and business to be addressed at Board meetings having read the agenda and relevant background material.
Work with and respect the opinions of fellow Board members.
Seek common ground and build consensus on issues for the betterment of the organization.
Avoid conflicts of interest between my position as a Board member and my personal life. If a conflict exists, declare the conflict of interest before the Board and refrain from voting on matters which have a conflict.
Support in a positive manner all actions taken by the Board of Directors even when in a minority position and agree to the confidentiality of Board discussions.
Fund Development
Assist in the identification of fund development opportunities and prospective donors.
Assist in the development of fund development activities and strategies.
Assist in connecting the organization to personal connections and relationships (corporate, individual, community).
Make a personal gift to the organization in accordance with the organization’s Board member giving policy.
Assist in the cultivation of giving prospects and donors including thanking and sharing the good work of the organization.
Faithfully read and understand the organization’s financial statements. Ask timely and substantive questions about items related to the financial operations of the organization.
With fellow Board members, provide appropriate fiduciary oversight in approving the annual budget and audit review and approval.